
How Our Agents Help Save You Money On Your Personal Insurance

Our team of agents works very hard to make sure your premiums are as competitive as possible.  There are many ways in which we help our clients keep insurance costs down.  We also believe that it is equally important to have the right kind of coverage that meets your needs at a competitive price.

Are you paying too much for your personal insurance?  If you believe you are paying too much for your current insurance coverage, then the following suggestions may help you save money:

Auto Insurance Savings Tips

Ask about discounts

Most insurance companies offer discounts.  While the availability of discounts will vary depending on your insurer, where you live, and whether you meet eligibility, make sure to ask if there are any discounts you can take advantage of.

Drive safely

OK, this one is obvious but true.  Drivers with no accidents, tickets, or insurance claims, almost always pay less for their auto insurance coverage.

Good grades

Most insurance companies offer discounts to student drivers who have good grades.

Remove or reduce coverage on older vehicles.

If your car is getting up there in age, you may want to think about dropping the collision or comprehensive coverage (or both) on your policy.

Bundle your services with one agent

Bundling your home and auto with the same agent often provides efficiencies in time and money.


Home Insurance Savings Tips

Raise your deductible

A deductible is the amount of money that you are responsible for paying toward an insured loss.  The higher your deductible, the more money you can save on your premium.

Make your home more secure

Invest in a home security system.  Having a smoke detector, burglar alarm or deadbolt locks on your home can earn you a 5% discount, depending on your insurer.

Bundle your insurance

Bundling auto and home insurance with the same company typically saves you 5% to 15% on your homeowners premium, according to data from the Insurance Information Institute. Again depending on your insurer.

Make improvements to your home

Updating your roof, furnace, water heater, or windows can help reduce your insurance cost.  If you’re a homeowner, your premiums could be quietly costing you more money than they should.  The good news is that insurers provide relatively easy-to-obtain discounts that can shave money off your homeowner’s insurance premium.