Entries by Bob Lilly

COVID-19 And Your Business

COVID-19 And Your Business Most of us are doing our best to comply with the COVID-19 stay at home order.  However, there are also many of us who still must go to our place of work.  Here are some things you can do to help maintain safety and financial health for your business, employees, and […]

Small Business Insurance As a small business owner, you wear many hats, including owner, manager, human resource manager, sales manager—and even window washer.  Because there is so much to do, you may not spend time thinking about your business insurance, but you should.  Recent studies by the Insurance Information Institute found that over 50% of […]

The Coronavirus Will Have An Impact The United States

Coronavirus Will Have An Impact The United States The Centers for Disease Control recently stated that the Coronavirus will have an impact in the United States.  Currently, the death toll from the Coronavirus is over 2,700 worldwide. People who contracted the Wuhan virus have reported symptoms that include fever, chills, headaches, difficulty breathing, and a sore throat. […]

Is It Time to Love Your Umbrella Insurance? 

Is It Time to Love Your Umbrella Insurance?  There are many good reasons to consider a personal umbrella policy. Umbrella Insurance provides extra protection or limits above the liability insurance you currently have. Just as an umbrella protects you from heavy rain, an umbrella insurance policy protects you from losing the entirety of your wealth […]

Business Insurance Planing

Is Your Business Ready For 2020? The world is changing, and we understand the issues your business faces every day. There is constant competition for your customers, there are challenges in attracting and retaining top employees, and your cost of goods keeps going up. Part of your planning should include an annual commercial insurance review. […]

A New Year… Let’s Get Your Insurance Right

As we move into a new year, I hope that every insurance agent and insurance buyer thinks about how they view their relationships.  Let us get away from the clever insurance advertisement’s attempts to bring our products and services down to the lowest common denominator, price, and commodity.  Insurance products and services are used to […]

Not So Common Insurance Coverage You Need

An Insurance Update Many people think that all insurance policies are alike and there is no need to understand the different kinds of coverage afforded by different types of policies.  As professional agents, our job is to help our clients understand how the coverage we recommend can affect their risks and actually help them in […]