
How To Make Your Insurance Work For You

Every year people make resolutions to improve their financial position. Part of that process means looking at your business and personal insurance program and determining if it still works for you. We pride ourselves on attempting to provide the best quality insurance for all of our clients. But the truth is, proper insurance coverage and healthy financial habitats are in large part due to the actions of the clients. Here are a few lessons we have learned to help you make your insurance work for you.

Personal Insurance Tips

  1. Make a home inventory of all your personal property and place a replacement value on it.
  2. Replace your hot water heater if it is old.
  3. Clean our gutters annually.
  4. Meet with your agent to have an annual insurance review. As your life changes, so should your insurance.
  5. Have your roof checked on a regular basis.
  6. Make sure to check washing machine hoses and dishwasher hoses in case they need to be replaced.

Commercial Insurance Tips

  1. Check your workers’ compensation rates and classifications.
  2. Make sure you have written agreements with all contractors.
  3. If you rent or lease equipment, let your agent know.
  4. As your business changes, it is essential to communicate with your agent so proper coverage can be reviewed.

We Believe…

  • in the dignity and importance of people.
  • that every person and business should have the best insurance protection they can afford.
  • that the Independent Agency system will offer the best selection for all people with their various needs in the changing world we live in.
  • in responsive customer service and ongoing education for our agents. This allows them to best serve the customer with the proper protection and appropriate amounts of insurance.